Car Wash Machine Prices
Initially when you are new to the car washing industry to select right car wash equipment can be a very difficult task. Pricing plays a very important role in the finalization of the project.
As a matter of fact, you start any business the main objective is to earn good money with a good profit, precise and wise investment may give you a very good profit.
After the survey and studying the market generally, people get confused in the various models of automatic machine available in the market. Some brands or technology may sell quality at a high price and some may sell quantity at a low price. Some attract clients with n number of features which may or may not be related to the system as well.
A client should always give attention at the time of finalization of the model and brand. After all, entering into automatic car wash business is to multiply money, according to survey the average life of the car wash system is assumed to be of around 10 - 12 years, for this 10 - 12 years client has also to consider the average maintenance cost of the machine per year, also the client should seriously think about the after-sales service.
In the Indian market, we can normally get an automatic car wash system in the range of 12 lakh to 80 lakh depending upon the brand and technology.
The business can also be defined as = the number of car washed * charges per car wash
Higher the volume and price the profit increases and you achieve the investment value fast.
But one thing has to be always taken into consideration that if you are expecting less number of cars per day then you should not invest amount 30 - 40 lakh INR for this business you should rather look for a better comparison machine in a lower range of 15 - 25 lakh so that you can get your investment return at earliest. The earliest your investment is achieved the more profit you earn.
KKE is the only company in India which manufactures around dozens of car wash models with a price range of 10 lakh to 90 lakh INR with the same type of cleaning effect and result without compromising the quality of the machine and also fits according to your budget.
KKE also has the largest service team across the country dedicated to the car wash.
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